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Wednesday, November 5, 2014


I keep seeing people posting about couples sharing a facebook that say "which one of you cheated". While it can be funny, it is quite stupid. Why don't you say that about couples living together? (Because that is what couples do, they SHARE a home. Why not share everything else?) Some couples genuinely want to be one. Gen. 2:24 "... a man will leave his father and his mother and he will stick to his wife, and they will become ONE FLESH."

We could say "oh you don't share a facebook? Which one of you is hiding something?" Show some maturity and respect. Just because you don't agree, doesn't mean something is wrong. However, when you look at who is posting stuff like that it is generally young, ignorant, or immature people.

Okay, mini rant over.

Rock Bottom.

Throughout my life I have heard people talk about hitting "rock bottom". There has been times I have seen people come out of horrifying situations. Then I have seen others never make it out of what they thought was nothing to worry about. My question has always been how do you know when you've truly hit rock bottom? Or is rock bottom the same for everyone?

Everyone comes to a point in their life where it feels as if life is just over, it feels like the world is against you and life feels like it is just not worth living. Everything seems so dramatic.. most people come out of that, others continue living in that moment. I have come across many different people and listened to their stories. Some have lived through things I could not imagine going through, yet they are some of the happiest people I know. Others, however, have directly created their own drama and difficult situations, in turn telling their stories in hopes to get sympathy/empathy. I truly believe people are divided into two "categories" so to speak when it comes to troubles in life.
You have the people who are involuntarily put in situations that change their entire lives some for the better. Then you have the people that seek out the things that get them attention. 
I felt the need to say it in two different ways so everyone would be able to understand.
I respect all people that I have come across in my life for various different reasons. However I can honestly say that I respect the people who have come out of situations that have left them lying in the dirt, wet, naked, cold, and ALONE. Those people to me are true inspirations, to have created a life out of nothing just so they could say they have something. What great satisfaction to say you created something GOOD out of something BAD. 
I always knew that if I ever had to experience a situation that brought me to my knees I would claw my way out of it and make the best out of my experience. Little did I know that I would be putting that strong will I had to use sooner than ever thought.

I have always tried to look at everything in life as an experience. When you put things in to perspective you realize that you are always experiencing things you have yet to do, simply because (as cliche and lame as it sounds) you only live once. Throughout my 20 years of life I have experienced some of the craziest things. People always ask me how I get through everything and I always respond the same "It helps knowing that someone, somewhere, is experiencing and making it through something I will never understand." That is the truest statement I believe I will ever make in my lifetime. I know that I have been through things that some cannot understand, that is how I know that others are going through things that I cannot understand. Having someone understand you and the pain you once felt can be a relief other times it is not. It is not for the simple fact that it means that another person has had to feel that same heart wrenching, mentally and physically exhausting feeling that you once felt. For me I never want anyone, not even my abuser to feel that pain that I have felt in my short 20 years of life.

You may be asking yourself "what the hell does this have to do with rock bottom?". Hold tight, I'm getting there. The point behind the previous paragraphs is: all people go through hard times, however does everyone hit rock bottom?
You may feel like life hands choices and the choice you make is the life you get. Which is true. However, the next person feels as though there are no choices that you make, that whatever happens in your life was indirectly planned with no fault of your own. Which is also true. Here is why: You make a CHOICE to go to the grocery store by yourself. You happen to be a girl, it is around 4pm. As you leave the store a man seems to be following you however you are not aware. As you unlock your car he puts a gun to your back and says get in. So my question is, was that your CHOICE to go to the market and get a gun put to your back by a man with the intent to kidnap you? NO! 
Life is full of choices. On the other hand life puts you in situations where you may have no choice. Here comes rock bottom.

After my experiences in life and hearing others experiences I came to the conclusion that everyone at some point in their life experiences rock bottom, but not everyone has the same experience.
Some people may have gotten to rock bottom by the choices they made in life and by the things that they allowed. Others may have gotten there incidentally by simply being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Rock bottom for one person may go to the extent of a divorce, yet for another it could be a serious drug addiction. One persons rock bottom may seem like nothing because we all live different lives, believe different things, come in contact with different people, and think in different ways. Does that mean that because we lead different lives that Sally's rock bottom "isn't as bad as Nancy's"? No. To each person their experience is horrifying. Sure, some people put themselves in positions that you're just like. . .you deserved that. However, who are we to say who deserves to hurt and who doesn't? Nobody. Anyone can hit rock bottom, because rock bottom is different for every one.